Friday, November 25, 2011

A Day of Thanksgiving

We celebrated Thanksgiving for the first time in over a decade at my parent's house. It was so nice to be home for the holidays. We started the day early watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade while we waited for my sister, niece and brother-in-law to arrive for lunch. The meal was so yummy, and I ate until I was beyond STUFFED. We spent the rest of the day relaxing (ummm....napping) and enjoying each others company. We had big plans to head out at midnight to hit the first of the Black Friday sales, but once we entered the parking lot our hopes were quickly dashed. I have never seen such long lines in my entire life!!! After standing a few minutes in line, we quickly decided that no "doorbuster sales" were worth standing out in the cold weather waiting with that huge mass of people. It was fun running into some of my old friends during my brief time I was there. We decided to head back home to cuddle up under our big comforter and watch a movie instead....with a big plate of left-overs and a piece of pecan pie to keep us company:)

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving:)

Disclaimer: Although my brother-in-law is not pictured in any of the above photos (he arrived a few minutes after the "shoot"), he does exist and was in attendance at our family Thanksgiving. I promised my sister I would photoshop him into a few of the photos, but my skills were not up to par on that one;)


  1. LOVE seeing the family photos and love the Curtis girls all in orange! Was about to call and see how the shopping trip went, but I'll ask about the movie instead (smart move, by the way.)

  2. Hey Honey Bun,
    You guys look GREAT!!! My love to all.....Hope to see you soon!!
    Love, Mary
