Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Welcome to my world

Who ever says that being a stay-at-home mom isn't a real job has obviously never tried it. Don't get me wrong, moms that juggle a full-time job while raising a family simply amaze me. While I LOVE being able to stay at home with my son, this job is no piece of cake!!! It can be very monotonous at times...I literally base my entire day on my son's feeding schedule, diaper changes and occasional naps yet still never find the time to watch a single television show from beginning to end much less read a book. And please don't get me started on the number of times I wash my kid's pacifier...yes, to say I am a slight germaphobe is an understatement. Somehow at the end of the day I wonder where all the hours have gone. I had so many plans and yet not one single scrapbook page was finished nor one pair of little boy longalls were hemmed (confession: my kid has REALLY short legs!!!). That is why I am determined to start and maintain this blog. No, I probably won't post everyday, but I want to at least have a goal of documenting this wonderful, crazy first year of my son's life. As much as I adore being a mommy, and have never been happier in my entire life I still want to maintain a sense of the person I once was: a lover of fashion and celebrity gossip, a connoisseur of trash television (yes, I love Jersey Shore and the entire Real Housewives series), a self-taught mixologist and sommelier, a veracious reader of blogs and a internet detective extrodinare. Seriously, when my friends are looking for ex-boyfriends or long lost relatives I am the very FIRST person they come to. I'm going to use this blog as my outlet for everyday rants, fabulous finds, parenting advice, cooking successes and failures, book reviews (ummm, when I get a chance to read), traveling and all the other fun things that make up my everyday life. I'm so glad you're coming along for the ride:)

1 comment:

  1. You have a very cute blog! Motherhood is difficult but the most wonderful thing in the world. They grow UP so fast. Enjoy every moment!

