Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Boy and His Toys

My once immobile bundle of cuddly infant joy is now a bouncing ball of never ending energy. Long gone are the days of sleeping in mommy's arms for hours on end or just cuddling in my lap while I work on my computer. Baby Bubba must be moving all the time!!! Keeping this boy entertained is now top priority for this weary mama.
For the last several months, we have finally found a groove in our little schedule. After breakfast, the Baby Bubs spends time in his Precious Planets Jumperoo and watches what Mommy deems educationally appropriate television. Current favorites include: PBS' Word World, Super Why, and Sesame Street. It's amazing that these shows can hold my 8 month old's attention for any span of time, but he just adores them and stares at the TV, giggling and bouncing away. This morning TV time/self-play gives me just the right amount of time to get my chores done, enjoy a cup of coffee and grab a bite to eat.

We have also been spending alot of time in our Pack-n-Play. Since everything is not completely baby-proof yet, this gives Baby B a safe place to roll, crawl/scoot, and practice all his other physical feats without mommy worrying he's going to eat a stray piece of Sophie's dog food or bang his head on the hardwood floors. Little Bubba has now moved from mindlessly fumbling with a teething toy to truly being engaged and playing with his toys. Therefore, I make sure he has a never ending supply of toys to keep his little mind entertained. Our current favorite toy is Leapfrog's My Pal Scout, a plush talking pup that can be hooked up to your computer and personalized with your child's name, favorite things and the music of your choice. Scout interacts with baby at the touch of a paw. I think it's so cute how he yawns and asks if my little one is sleepy...he even plays lullabies!!! Other favorite toys of the moment include:  Vtech's Around Town Baby Driver and Leapfrog's Learn and Groove Musical Table .

Now don't go thinking that all we do around here is watch TV and play. I have made it a priority that we spend several quiet story times thorough out each day. Usually Mommy and Baby Bubba read in the mid-afternoon, and Daddy takes over evening reading time. Baby B has an ever expanding  library of children's books that are quickly beginning to overflow his little bookshelf into every nook and cranny of the house. Where once our coffee table was strew with issues of Cosmo, Sports Illustrated and Cooking Light it is now covered in little piles of baby books. I hope starting this tradition of reading early on develops into a lifelong love of books for my precious son. Current favorites include: The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Cargle, Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise, Elmo's ABC Book and Little Feet Love (a touch and feel book for his tootsies).

1 comment:

  1. I know a certain little boy (related to my sweetheart) who was recently discovered scooting round the house with a piece of cat poo in his mouth. The pack and play sounds like the solution to many situations!
