Friday, September 16, 2011

It's in the Bag

In my former childless life, I was more frivolous with my money and bought so many needless things that this frugal momma shutters at the mere thought of some of those purchases. I once spent more than an entire month's mortgage payment on my dream handbag (no worries, we were still able to make that month's mortgage in spite of my "spoiled brat" move and were not thrown out on the street to live in a box with my pretty new purse for company). The more mature me knows that this was beyond CRAZY, but at the time having that gorgeous Louis Vuitton handbag had been haunting my dreams for weeks. It was a spur of the moment decision. I never went to the mall with the intention of making such a rash purchase. As I wandered around Phipps Plaza, I had a growing itch that would not go away. I passed a dozen women carrying these logo emblazoned.gems, and I knew that I MUST have one....this was during the height of the LV craze several years ago and more stylish ladies' arms sported these gorgeous bags than not (admittedly, a huge portion of those were probably knock-offs). I said to myself, "Self, if you see one more woman carrying a Louis Vuitton then this is a sign that you must buy one now."  Well, needless to say as soon as I made that deal with myself, a young girl strolled into Anthropologie sporting a tiny Louis Vuitton wristlet. Like a lightening bolt, I ran directly to the LV boutique and said " Yes, I would like a Manhattan PM bag, please!!!!". I'll spare you the exorbitantly expensive price I paid and just say it was the most beautiful specimen I had ever beheld...the craftsmanship alone was so exquisite that the bag looks no less worn today than it did over 6 years ago. I got alot of wear out of that bag, too, I carried it for over a year and broke my "new purse for every season rule". I spent way more money than I ever should have on "Louie", and I would be darned if I wasn't going get my money's worth even if I had to carry it till the straps fell off...luckily, that fine craftsmanship and luxury leather was up to the task. "Louie", really that's his name, lives in the back of my closet now in the same box he came home in. Maybe someday he will become very retro and en vogue, and I'll bring him back out again.

I probably own atleast 15 other purses (confession: I also use to have a slight obsession with Coach handbags and own way too many of these, too). This brings me to my point.....I NO LONGER CARRY A PURSE. Yes, you heard me right. This former bling loving, fancy shmancy purse carrying, fashion lovin' gal only carries a diaper bag and when the baby is not with me I just grab my driver's license, debit card and a few bucks and stick those in my pocket. It's not that I don't still ogle the pages of Vogue and longingly window shop past all those fancy boutiques with sundresses that cost more than my couch. I just have new priorities now. I would rather spend every extra penny we have on my child. When I think of buying myself something I think of what that same amount of money could buy Baby Bubba: a new toy, a precious smocked outfit, or a handful of new books, and the urge to splurge quickly disappears. I also think of saving for his future and for the astronomical cost of college (I hear Harvard is quite expensive these days).
My diaper bag is nothing fancy but it functions well. It's the perfect size,  and I don't feel like I'm lugging around a brick-filled duffle bag. After much consideration I bought the Ju-Ju-Be "Be All" bag in lotus lullaby and love it. It has so many compartments for Baby B's stuff and enough room for all my extras. So what's in the bag, you might ask. Well, I'll just show you....

It's magical how I can fit all this stuff in that small bag, but mothers have all kind of tricks they learn out of necessity. The contents: 4 Pamper's Swaddlers, a pack of Pamper's Sensitive wipes, froggie blanket, Gerber Bananas and spoon, Munchkin Pacifier wipes, 2 Mam pacifiers with paci-clip, Boogie wipes, nose aspirator, KY Jelly, 2 thermometers, Destin, teething ring/toy, Goodnight Moon, 2 Bath and Body Works anti-bacterial handgels, a can of Similac formula, Johnson's Hand and Face wipes, a sippy cup, a Tide-to-go Stain Pen, monkey bib, a well worn manual the pediatrician gave me at his 1st appointment, my wallet, Clinique compact, mascara and nail polish...and most excitingly a $10 bill I found wadded at the bottom of the bag!!!

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