Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I love decorating cookies for the holidays be it Halloween, Christmas or Easter. I said I like decorating them. I, however, do not like baking them. I leave all the baking up to my Bubba and when I say baking I mean the hubby can whip out a mean batch of oven-ready Pillbury's Sugar Cookies. Of course, Britton is too young to help us decorate the cookies, but he enjoyed observing the activty from his perch in the high chair and having his very first lick of icing.

Ummm...Luckily, I screwed on the cap very tightly

I found this great cookie decorating kit at Hobby Lobby on my last visit. It made decorating the cookies super easy because everything you needed was in a single box.

We would have ended up with a lot more cookies if we had not munched on them as fast as we could decorate them. I think they turned out pretty cute:)

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