Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday Randomosity

My hubby had to be up super early for an appointment this morning, so he went to bed very early last night leaving poor little insomniac me to entertain myself. Luckily, I had rented several movies that afternoon and had a grand time watching a marathon of hilarious flicks. It's a good thing my Bubba is a heavy sleeper because I burst out laughing more than a few times. Yes, the movies were a little crass and sometimes offensive, but they were H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!!!!!

Confession: I LOVE MY CHIROPRACTOR!!! Okay, not in the romantic way, of course, but in the "you are a total life saver and make everything all better" kind of love. I have suffered from back problems on and off for years. I had back surgery in 2001 and that made everything feel a lot better for almost a decade. My back even felt great while I was pregnant which is a rare occurence for people with any kind of previous back problems. Unfortunately, once Britton became a roly poly ball of energy, and I was constantly bending and lifting him the back pain returned. Luckily, I met my Chiropractor (Cue: the sounds of harps playing and angels singing). This man is seriously a miracle worker. One visit to his office with a single adjustment and I go from the intense kind of pain that makes you want to limp around and whimper to dancing down the aisles of Target. I just can't believe it took me 30 something years to meet this man. I'm actually heading there this afternoon for an adjustment:)

I'm taking a pumpkin carving class on Friday. I have visions of being the Michaelangelo of the pumpkin carving world....this remains yet to be seen. I'll definitely share pictures of my creations once I have mastered the craft. Let's just hope I don't cut off a finger. I have not had the best luck with sharp knives in the past. I managed to slice my finger open, and earn myself a trip to the ER within the first 10 minutes of the knife skills lesson during my 1st culinary arts class in college. Embarrassing!!!

Speaking of pumpkins and decorations....I finally got around to decorating the back hall for Autumn. It doesn't scream Halloween, so I think it can carry us all the way till Thanksgiving. I bought everything from Michael's except for the candle pillars that I got from Target and spray painted gold. I think the whole "tablescape" is rather festive:)

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