Monday, October 10, 2011

Radio Flyer

I spent all Saturday morning putting together Britton's early Halloween present, a Radio Flyer wagon. Now this isn't you're run of the mill "little red wagon"....this thing has 4 cup holders, 2 canopies, a cooler/backpack, and ALOT of parts to put together!!! After about thirty minutes of attempting to assemble the wagon the hubby got frustrated bored and retreated into the house to park himself in front of the television and watch football. Well, the Diva is pretty handy with a hammer and screwdriver when necessity calls and finished putting that thing togther all by myself.

After double checking the wagon for it's load bearing capabilites and ensuring that the wheels were not going to fall off, Britton christened his new ride with a lap around the yard. At first our baby boy was a little timid about his big new toy. Not to mention Daddy has a penchant for going way too fast for mommy's taste which resulted in me running behind them pointing out every hole and fallen tree limb and yelling something about the potential for shaken baby syndome...okay, I can be a little over dramatic at times.

Notice best bud, Scout, riding shotgun until Cousin Emily takes her rightful spot

Nevertheless, Britton decided that he actually loved his new wheels. And what kid wouldn't?!? If I didn't exceed the weight limit by a few pounds (Ha!) I would be all up for having Bubba pull me around the yard while I put good use to one of those cup holders with a frosty adult beverage, push back one of those canopies and catch some rays. I'm sure the neighbors would think it a very strange sight, but then again they have probably gotten use to my Diva antics over the years...lest I forget my own personal version of "Bikini Car Wash" in the front yard this past summer;)

1 comment:

  1. That's the coolest little red wagon I've ever seen! My Preston loves his Scout... especially since it's programmed to say his name and sing songs with his name in them. They didn't make stuff like that when we were little. I'm amazed at all the stuff out there for kids today.
