Tuesday, December 20, 2011

10 on Tuesday: The Diva's Rambling List of Randomosity

1.) Our Christmas decorating is FINALLY complete. Yep, it's only December 20th.

2.) White Christmas trees scream tacky to me, so I was a little apprehensive about this one. However, our white Christmas tree turned out very pretty...all twinkling white lights, silver garland and beads, and gold, silver, and clear balls all topped with a huge silver bow.

3.) We made our first visit to Santa yesterday and miracle of all miracles Britton did NOT have a meltdown:) He did not crack a single smile, but he didn't scream like a banshee either so I was happy.

4.) I'm a stickler for clever advertising and have been seeing tons of ads for Smirnoff's Fluffed Marshmallow and Whipped Cream flavored vodka for weeks. I bought a bottle of the Marshmallow flavor over the weekend, and my verdict is a big thumbs-up:) I love creating culinary cocktails and came up with a fun dessert cocktail....the "Holiday Hot Chocolatini": Marshmallow vodka, Godiva Chocolate Liqueur, and a splash of fat-free half and half. After a few good shakes in a martini shaker with ice, serve in a chilled martini glass garnished with a dollop of whipped cream and chocolate shavings. DECADENT!!!

5.) Bubba says he is "making" my Christmas present this year. Ummm, I guess he did NOT get my Christmas wish list memo. I do not think he has the capabilities to whip up a new iPhone in his workshop!!!

6.) I love the show One Born Every Minute on TLC. I'm a push-over for any show about birthing babies, and this one is hilarious, terrifying and endearing all at the same time. I cry every time I watch this show. Britton's own birth story was NOT picture perfect, and it was definitely a deviation from my original birthing plan...a botched epidural and 12 hours of natural, drug-free labor was NOT fun!!! However, the end result was nothing short of perfection!!!

7.) I have some HUGE news to announce soon, but I don't want to jinx myself, so I'm keeping mum for now. After throwing that out I will clarify that I AM NOT PREGNANT!!!! (see #4 for proof of that)

8.) I have officially suspended my diet until January 1st. Who am I kidding?!? My "diet" has been a complete failure from the start, but come January I'm hitting the gym hard core. I use to LOVE the gym. Previous to getting pregnant with Britton I worked out at the gym 4-5 days a week. I have ZERO excuses not to get in shape and lose this "baby weight" that I have been holding onto for an entire year!!! Confession: My hubby is a personal trainer, so I can get one of the best workouts in the city for FREE.

9.) Britton can now undress himself. It's a cute party trick and makes me chuckle everytime I turn around and discover a pantsless baby, but I sort of hate having to redress him because he's a total wiggle worm these days.

10.) I will leave you with yet another picture of Britton in a pair of his Christmas pjs (he has like over a dozen pairs).....and his very BIG sock monkey pal, Max.

1 comment:

  1. Your tree is beautiful! Cute Pjs but even cuter little elf :) My husband is a fan of making things for Christmas gifts as well but I am praying that an iPhone is under the tree for me. Momma needs a smartphone!
