Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ten on Tuesday (Just a Little Random Thinking)

1.) We had a trial-run "Thanksgiving Dinner" last night: turkey, dressing, giblet gravy, macaroni n' cheese, and green beans. Britton sat in his highchair beside me and ate a little bit of everything off my plate. He especially enjoyed the dressing. He already loves sweet potatoes, so he'll be able to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with the entire family this year.

2.) Britton has a milk protein allergy, so I probably should not have given him the mac n' cheese. My niece, Emily, had the same allergy, but outgrew it by the time she was a year old. Let's hope Britton does, too, because we are one dairy loving family!!!

3.) Britton still only has two teeth: front and center on the bottom. They are so cute!!!

4.) Setting our clocks back an hour has proven a bit problematic in the sleep department around here. Britton is still going to bed around his usual time but wakes up TWO hours earlier. What?!? One hour earlier would make sense, but two hours is madness for this sleep lovin' mama.          

5.)  I just started reading the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson last night. I was already hooked after the first few pages.

6.) My favorite football game of the whole year is this weekend: Georgia vs. Auburn. We have a seven game winning streak, so I think we might just whoop some Tiger tail this weekend:)

7.) As I mentioned in my last post...I have finished my Christmas shopping for Britton, and it's not even Thanksgiving. I think that accomplishment deserves to be restated again!!!

8.) It's never too early to start thinking about Christmas cards especially since I plan to use a personalized photo card this year... still can't decide whether to go with a professional photographer or go the do-it-yourself route.

9.) The new season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta started Sunday night. Does it make me a horrible person that I was really excited?!? I'm still waiting to run into one of the cast members out and about in Atlanta.

10.) We were without a dryer for an entire week. Do you have any idea how horrible this situation was and the massive piles of laundry that accumulated?!? Especially, since I am accustomed to using three towels per shower....one for my hair, one to dry the rest of me, and the other to sit on while I do my makeup. By the end of the week I was down to a single wash cloth to do it all;)

* Disclaimer: The Diva did NOT cook "Thanksgiving dinner" last night. It was all take-out. Why in the world would I spend all day slaving over the stove roasting a turkey and making dressing?!? Doing this once a year for the actual Thanksgiving dinner is enough for me.

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