Monday, October 31, 2011

Weekend Wrap-up

First of all, HAPPY HALLOWEEN, EVERYONE!!! Today is Britton's 1st Halloween and therefore, a very special one for Mommy. It seems like we have been celebrating a little all month, and we will finally finish up weeks of activity with trick-or-treating tonight. I can't wait to show you pictures of our boy in his precious to come tomorrow.
We spent the Halloween weekend at my parents' house where there is always a constant flurry of activity. Saturday brought a visit from my precocious 2 1/2 year old niece, Emily. She is a neverending ball of energy, and it takes a "village" to keep that girl entertained. She had a ball running around the yard and helping "GranDa" water the flowers...and anything else that happened to be stationary: rocks, empty flower pots, bushes, etc.

It was chilly outside so we bundled up our boy, and the cousins took a cruise around the yard in Britton's little red wagon. Emily and Britton are only 17 months apart and already the best of friends:)

All this outdoor fun had to be fitted in between hours of SEC football...first the Georgia/ Florida game (WooHoo, Go Dawgs!!!) and then the Auburn/Ole Miss game. Miss Emily and I played with Play-Doh, made up dance routines, read tons of books, and had snuggle time while watching the games.
On Sunday, we had a family gathering at my sister and new brother-in-law's house. This was our first trip to their home, and it was lovely spending the day together. My little sister, Elizabeth, and Jesse married this past Labor Day, and she and Emily moved to Alabama. My sister and I have practically been next door neighbors since we were in our early twenties and young newlyweds, so this is our first time not living within a few minutes of each other.

Now that we all live further apart it's nice to have days together like this. The house and yard looked beautiful. Although, my sister likes to joke that she still has a long way to go before completely ridding the house of that bachelor pad ambiance;) After a yummy lunch, we headed out to the yard to sit around the fire pit and enjoy the perfectly crisp fall weather. What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon with the people you love most in the world!!!

Liz, Emily, Jesse and Kawliga enjoying the firepit

Practicing our swings

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